Position Title
1605 Tilia St, Davis CA 95616
I earned my PhD in 1992 from USC and (after a couple of post-docs) have worked at UC Davis for the past 28 years. My professional and scientific interests and experiences are in design of GIS and informatics systems, development of indicator frameworks at a wide range of scales, characterization of ecological and other conditions, involvement of marginalized communities in environmental policies, and educational programs/courses for a wide-range of communities and audiences. My most-exciting projects are: 1) developing tools to address transportation sustainability by improving wildlife movement/driver safety; 2) informing shoreline adaptation by land managers and transportation agencies in the face of sea level rise and more extreme storms; 3) developing large scale combined indicator and information exchange systems to inform water sustainability and other needs; and 4) informing renovation of laws that keep our water, land, food, and air clean.
I am director of the Road Ecology Center, positioned in the Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Davis. I maintain an active research and education program at UC Davis, with graduate students, undergraduate students, technicians, and outside consultants. I work with local, state, federal, and international organizations to improve the use of environmental information in decision-making. Finally, I have served as an expert in multiple legal cases, with clients ranging from Caltrans to individual landowners.