Interstate 280 Wildlife Movement and Connectivity Research Study

This project involved a combination of GPS-collaring deer, wildlife cameras, infrastructure characterization, and opportunistic tracking. Twenty-four deer found living within 1/4 mile of the right-of-way were fitted with GPS collars and tracke for 6 months each. We analyzed there habitat preferences, activity in relation to distance from the highway, and rate of crossing the right-of-way. We used cameras at 19 crossing structures and 6 wildlife trails to assess wildlife movement in relation to the structures and the relationship between human and animal use of ths structrues. Finally, we made recommendations for structural improvements to the highway to reduce risk to drivers from collisions with wildlife and to improve wildlife connectivity across the interstate.

The data and final report for the project are available, but please be aware that the report is a very large file with large-format, high-resolution maps.

(This project was funded by Caltrans using federal funds)

Project Status
Completed Project